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André Carson for Congress
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Contribute Now to A Dream of Peace: Justice and Equality for the People of Israel and Palestine
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General Wesley Clark & WesPAC
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Rep. Barbara Lee
King David Dogs with André Carson
King David Dogs with André Carson
Torrey Washington
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Sandwich Repairman
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Barbara Lee
NSD 2012 US House Endorsements
NSD 2012 US House Endorsements
National Stonewall Democrats PAC
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Wes Clark
Assad Akhter DC Area Muslim Community Reception
Assad Akhter DC Area Muslim Community Reception
James Modie
DONATE NOW to elect the anti-AIPAC wall to Congress/US Senate! Our time to act is #NowOrNever.
DONATE NOW to elect the anti-AIPAC wall to Congress/US Senate! Our time to act is #NowOrNever.
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Contribute Now to Let's keep Barack's superdelegates in office
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Congressman John Conyers
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Jason Rodriguez
Florida Meet Congressman Andre Carson
Florida Meet Congressman Andre Carson
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Elect Andre Carson to Congress, IN Dist #7
Elect Andre Carson to Congress, IN Dist #7
I Vote for Women | U.S. Women's Chamber of Comm...
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