Contribute Now to Support House Candidates from Connecticut
Contribute Now to Support House Candidates from Connecticut
The ActBlue Team
Please join Congressman John B. Larson in welcoming Jim Himes to Hartford
Please join Congressman John B. Larson in welcoming Jim Himes to Hartford
Geoff Luxenberg
Please Join Us on August 20th!
Please Join Us on August 20th!
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Please Join us on July 25
Please Join us on July 25
Will you split a donation between Mandela Barnes and Jim Himes?
Will you split a donation between Mandela Barnes and Jim Himes?
Oct 25, 2022 Stand with Jim Himes
Oct 25, 2022 Stand with Jim Himes
Contribute Now to GreenGuy's Guide to a Blue November
Contribute Now to GreenGuy's Guide to a Blue November
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes to tell Republican Leaders: reject the NRA's money
Stand with Jim Himes to tell Republican Leaders: reject the NRA's money
Keep our nation safe!
Keep our nation safe!
Contribute Now to Obama's Idiots
Contribute Now to Obama's Idiots
John and Hank Green
Contribute Now to Enduring Democratic Majority
Contribute Now to Enduring Democratic Majority
Contribute Now to Toward a Working Majority - US House
Contribute Now to Toward a Working Majority - US House
Regi Burns
Contribute Now to 2008 Congressional Challengers
Contribute Now to 2008 Congressional Challengers
Bernard Ortcutt
Contribute Now to Third Avenue Endorsed Candidates
Contribute Now to Third Avenue Endorsed Candidates
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Contribute Now to Help Chris Murphy and Jim Himes Beat George Bush's Cronies
Contribute Now to Help Chris Murphy and Jim Himes Beat George Bush's Cronies
CT Progressive Bloggers
Contribute Now to Rolling Stones
Contribute Now to Rolling Stones
Contribute Now to Some Tight Races That Can Use Help
Contribute Now to Some Tight Races That Can Use Help
Fight big money in politics – overturn Citizens United!
Fight big money in politics – overturn Citizens United!
Defend human and civil rights!
Defend human and civil rights!
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes to End Citizens United
Stand with Jim Himes to End Citizens United
Contribute Now to Turn CT-4 Blue!
Contribute Now to Turn CT-4 Blue!
Maura Keaney
Organize to save health care!
Organize to save health care!
Contribute Now to Chrisf's 2008 page
Contribute Now to Chrisf's 2008 page
Chris Freel
Defend civil rights and equality!
Defend civil rights and equality!
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Please Join Us on January 23rd!
Please Join Us on January 23rd!
Please Join Us on March 7th!
Please Join Us on March 7th!
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you split a donation between Tim Ryan and Jim Himes?
Will you split a donation between Tim Ryan and Jim Himes?
Sponsor a 2022 Democracy Summer Fellow
Sponsor a 2022 Democracy Summer Fellow
Protect our democracy!
Protect our democracy!
Contribute Now to Progressive Candidates
Contribute Now to Progressive Candidates
Stand with Jim! No new oil drilling on our coasts.
Stand with Jim! No new oil drilling on our coasts.
Contribute Now to CTChallengers
Contribute Now to CTChallengers
Protect our planet!
Protect our planet!
Contribute Now to A Congressman we can be proud of!
Contribute Now to A Congressman we can be proud of!
Contribute Now to Donna’s Top 10 for 2010
Contribute Now to Donna’s Top 10 for 2010
Rep. Donna Edwards
Contribute Now to People For's Progressive Champions
Contribute Now to People For's Progressive Champions
People For the American Way Voters Alliance
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Contribute Now to My Left Nutmeg: 2008 Fundraising Page
Contribute Now to My Left Nutmeg: 2008 Fundraising Page
MattW at My Left Nutmeg
Contribute Now to Council for a Livable World
Contribute Now to Council for a Livable World
Eliminate Weapons of Mass Destruction
Progressives Worth Supporting
Progressives Worth Supporting
Just Joe
Contribute Now to Replace Anthony Weiner's contributions
Contribute Now to Replace Anthony Weiner's contributions
Donate to Jim Himes
Donate to Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes to support family farms
Stand with Jim Himes to support family farms
203Action for Jim Himes!
203Action for Jim Himes!
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Keep up the fight.
Keep up the fight.
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Thank you for your response!
Thank you for your response!
erquirk's 2016 Dem House page
erquirk's 2016 Dem House page
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Fundraiser for Jim Himes
Fundraiser for Jim Himes
Contribute Now to Jeremy's and Karen's Picks
Contribute Now to Jeremy's and Karen's Picks
Jeremy E. and Karen G.
End of Quarter Pub Quiz III
End of Quarter Pub Quiz III
Jim Himes for Congress
Contribute Now to 2010 Congress Candidates
Contribute Now to 2010 Congress Candidates
A Donor
Contribute Now to My Picks
Contribute Now to My Picks
Harry Layman
Contribute Now to Paint America Blue
Contribute Now to Paint America Blue
Donate to Jim Himes
Donate to Jim Himes
Contribute Now to Eschaton '08 Challengers
Contribute Now to Eschaton '08 Challengers
Contribute Now to FatMixx Candidates
Contribute Now to FatMixx Candidates
Sujal Shah
Contribute Now to BoC supported candidates
Contribute Now to BoC supported candidates
Nicholas Cohen
Contribute Now to Congressional Revolution
Contribute Now to Congressional Revolution
Congressional Revolution
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you split a donation between Jim Himes and Joe Courtney?
Will you split a donation between Jim Himes and Joe Courtney?
Indian Americans for Jim Himes
Indian Americans for Jim Himes
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Please Join us on October 16th
Please Join us on October 16th
2023 Himes Honey Harvest
2023 Himes Honey Harvest
Jim's oyster shucking tutorial
Jim's oyster shucking tutorial
Pass The Torch
Pass The Torch
Jim's oyster shucking tutorial
Jim's oyster shucking tutorial
Keep up the pressure to stop gun violence!
Keep up the pressure to stop gun violence!
Jim Himes Victory Fund
Jim Himes Victory Fund
Contribute Now to Make Sure He Takes His Friends With Him
Contribute Now to Make Sure He Takes His Friends With Him
Himes for Congress
Contribute Now to 'Cause It Matters
Contribute Now to 'Cause It Matters
Alan Lopatin
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Donate to Jim Himes
Donate to Jim Himes
Contribute Now to Finish the Deal!
Contribute Now to Finish the Deal!
Glenn Magus Harvey
Contribute Now to Able Pragmatic Progressives
Contribute Now to Able Pragmatic Progressives
Peggy M
Stand up for consumer protections!
Stand up for consumer protections!
Defend human and civil rights!
Defend human and civil rights!
Stand with Jim Himes!
Stand with Jim Himes!
Stand with Jim! Increase clean energy funding!
Stand with Jim! Increase clean energy funding!
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Contribute Now to Jim Himes Pub Quiz Part Deux
Contribute Now to Jim Himes Pub Quiz Part Deux
Melissa Ryan
Sponsor a 2021 Democracy Summer Fellow
Sponsor a 2021 Democracy Summer Fellow
Elect Jim Himes to Congress, CT Dist #4
Elect Jim Himes to Congress, CT Dist #4
I Vote for Women | U.S. Women's Chamber of Comm...
Contribute Now to WLBD 2008
Contribute Now to WLBD 2008
Linda Arden
Contribute Now to sandwichrepair
Contribute Now to sandwichrepair
Sandwich Repairman
Contribute Now to Simple Right and Wrong
Contribute Now to Simple Right and Wrong
Will you chip in to support Democrat Jim Himes?
Will you chip in to support Democrat Jim Himes?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Stop oil drilling in the Arctic!
Stop oil drilling in the Arctic!
Stand up for CHIP!
Stand up for CHIP!
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Will you chip in to Jim Himes’ campaign to keep CT-04 blue?
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Make an impact!
Make an impact!
Contribute Now to Blograiser & Pub Quiz for Jim Himes
Contribute Now to Blograiser & Pub Quiz for Jim Himes
Melissa Ryan
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Please Join Us on October 25th!
Please Join Us on October 25th!
Help flip the House blue in 2024!
Help flip the House blue in 2024!
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Contribute Now to CT 08
Contribute Now to CT 08
Aldon Hynes
Keep up the pressure!
Keep up the pressure!
Contribute Now to Get Shays Out, Get Himes In There
Contribute Now to Get Shays Out, Get Himes In There
CT Fan
Contribute Now to Democratic Hunks 2008
Contribute Now to Democratic Hunks 2008
Democratic Hunk Caucus
Please Join Us on March 17th!
Please Join Us on March 17th!
Stand with Jim Himes and Kamala Harris!
Stand with Jim Himes and Kamala Harris!
Please Join Us on December 7th!
Please Join Us on December 7th!
Watch Jim's message
Watch Jim's message
Chip in $1 to help re-elect Jim!
Chip in $1 to help re-elect Jim!
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes
Vail PAC Trip Skiing RSVP
Vail PAC Trip Skiing RSVP
Stand with Jim Himes
Stand with Jim Himes