Donate to the Compete Everywhere Fund!
Donate to the Compete Everywhere Fund!
If we lose one more Senate seat in 2022, Governor Evers' vetoes will be able to be overridden by Senate Republicans.
If we lose one more Senate seat in 2022, Governor Evers' vetoes will be able to be overridden by Senate Republicans.
Contribute Now to Stop the Paul Ryan Agenda
Contribute Now to Stop the Paul Ryan Agenda
Mark Miller
And Paul Ryan says there's no war on women??
And Paul Ryan says there's no war on women??
Mark Miller
Turn the WI State Senate Blue!
Turn the WI State Senate Blue!
Sachin Chheda
Chip in to help Stop Walker!
Chip in to help Stop Walker!
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
We need your help, {first_name | friend}.
We need your help, {first_name | friend}.
Contribute Now to JFK once said...
Contribute Now to JFK once said...
Lena C. Taylor
Thank you for signing up to volunteer, please consider pitching in $3 or more today!
Thank you for signing up to volunteer, please consider pitching in $3 or more today!
URGENT DEADLINE: Help Democrats Flip Seats!
URGENT DEADLINE: Help Democrats Flip Seats!
We’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to help us raise what we need to keep up the fight.
We’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to help us raise what we need to keep up the fight.
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Governor Evers' maps have won!
Governor Evers' maps have won!
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
Contribute Now to We Did It!
Contribute Now to We Did It!
Mark Miller
Contribute Now to 2012 Fund
Contribute Now to 2012 Fund
Christopher Walker
Wisconsin 14 + Recalls
Wisconsin 14 + Recalls
Michael Adam Childers
Your answer has been recorded!
Your answer has been recorded!
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Contribute Now to the Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to the Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Recall Scott Walker Campaign
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
These maps will last a decade, they should be as fair as possible.
These maps will last a decade, they should be as fair as possible.
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Our democracy is under attack. Chip in now!
Our democracy is under attack. Chip in now!
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
State Rep. Sandy Pasch
Contribute Now to Help us with the recount
Contribute Now to Help us with the recount
Mark Miller
The fight for fair maps is not over.
The fight for fair maps is not over.
Contribute Now to Protect YOUR Majority
Contribute Now to Protect YOUR Majority
Mark Miller
Act 10 overturned!!
Act 10 overturned!!
Mark Miller
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Thank you for signing!
Thank you for signing!
We need to defeat every anti-vax Republican in the Senate.
We need to defeat every anti-vax Republican in the Senate.
Contribute Now to an ambitious August goal
Contribute Now to an ambitious August goal
Mark Miller
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Donate to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Donate to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Thanks for signing!
Thanks for signing!
$6 for 6 Vulnerable Republicans
$6 for 6 Vulnerable Republicans
Scott Walker wants a new kitchen??
Scott Walker wants a new kitchen??
Chris Larson
Contribute Now to Support the Heroic 14
Contribute Now to Support the Heroic 14
Chelsea Freuck
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Contribute Now to Protect our Majority
Contribute Now to Protect our Majority
Mark Miller
Contribute Now to One Step Closer
Contribute Now to One Step Closer
Senator Mark Miller
Governor Evers' maps have won!
Governor Evers' maps have won!
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
debate time!
debate time!
Mark Miller
SSDC Madison Event
SSDC Madison Event
Beau Stafford
Help us flip SD-19!
Help us flip SD-19!
Thank you for taking our survey! Your Response has been recorded.
Thank you for taking our survey! Your Response has been recorded.
Contribute Now to Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Senator Jon Erpenbach
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Join us on December 16th!
Join us on December 16th!
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
We need just 5 more grassroots donors.
We need just 5 more grassroots donors.
Thank you for participating in our End-of-Year Strategy Survey.
Thank you for participating in our End-of-Year Strategy Survey.
Can you chip in right now to help elect more Democrats like Kristin? Any amount—no matter how big or small—makes a difference
Can you chip in right now to help elect more Democrats like Kristin? Any amount—no matter how big or small—makes a difference
Contribute Now to Support the Wisconsin 14
Contribute Now to Support the Wisconsin 14
Dick Durbin
Hold Senate Republicans Accountable for their War on Women
Hold Senate Republicans Accountable for their War on Women
Chris Larson
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Thank you for submitting your survey.
Thank you for submitting your survey.
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Help us flip SD8!
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Help us flip SD8!
Contribute Now to Eschaton Badgers
Contribute Now to Eschaton Badgers
Contribute Now to Support 14 Bold State Senators in Wisconsin
Contribute Now to Support 14 Bold State Senators in Wisconsin
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Help Janet grow our caucus.
Help Janet grow our caucus.
Support Chris Larson and the Senate Democrats by joining our movement.
Support Chris Larson and the Senate Democrats by joining our movement.
MIDNIGHT: End of Quarter Deadline!
MIDNIGHT: End of Quarter Deadline!
Help us protect Tony's veto!
Help us protect Tony's veto!
Split a donation between Dora Drake and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Dora Drake and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Sarah Keyeski and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Sarah Keyeski and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Brad Pfaff and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Brad Pfaff and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Thank you for signing our petition.
Thank you for signing our petition.
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Tammy Baldwin
We need to defeat every Republican who tries to destroy our democracy.
We need to defeat every Republican who tries to destroy our democracy.
Contribute Now to Redistricting Project
Contribute Now to Redistricting Project
Jon Morgan
Contribute Now to The Final Day
Contribute Now to The Final Day
Wisconsin Senate Democrats
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Congresswoman Gwen Moore
Wisconsin's Democracy is Under Attack. Donate now >>
Wisconsin's Democracy is Under Attack. Donate now >>
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Elect Jodi Habush Sinykin
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Elect Jodi Habush Sinykin
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Jamie Wall for Congress
Split a donation between Senator Tammy Baldwin and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Senator Tammy Baldwin and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Donate $7 to 7 up-and-coming progressive stars
Donate $7 to 7 up-and-coming progressive stars
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
2 years in review
2 years in review
Senate Dems
URGENT: Budget Deadline!
URGENT: Budget Deadline!
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Help protect the veto and elect more Democratic Senators.
Help protect the veto and elect more Democratic Senators.
Stop gerrymandering! Protect our elections! Chip in today!
Stop gerrymandering! Protect our elections! Chip in today!
Join Tammy Baldwin in Supporting Gwen Moore
Join Tammy Baldwin in Supporting Gwen Moore
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Contribute Now to Support the 14 Heroes of the Wisconsin Senate!
Contribute Now to Support the 14 Heroes of the Wisconsin Senate!
Dem Party of Milwaukee County, Sachin Chheda, C...
Split a donation between Jamie Wall and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Jamie Wall and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks for signing!
Thanks for signing!
Please donate $5 today so we have the resources to protect and grow our Democratic caucus.
Please donate $5 today so we have the resources to protect and grow our Democratic caucus.
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Let's defeat GOP Gerrymandering!
Let's defeat GOP Gerrymandering!
Contribute Now to Stop the Wisconsin Cowards
Contribute Now to Stop the Wisconsin Cowards
Flip Wisconsin
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
Thank you for submitting your voting rights survey.
Thank you for submitting your voting rights survey.
We need to defeat every Republican who tries to destroy our democracy.
We need to defeat every Republican who tries to destroy our democracy.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
Help elect more pro-choice Senators!
Help Melissa protect the veto by growing our grassroots movement.
Help Melissa protect the veto by growing our grassroots movement.
Thanks, now take the next step!
Thanks, now take the next step!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Contribute Now to Take Back the Majority
Contribute Now to Take Back the Majority
Mark Miller
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
State Senator Jennifer Shilling
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Contribute Now to Democratic Party of Wisconsin's Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Democratic Party of Wisconsin's Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Split a Contribution between Wisconsin Senate Dems and Tammy Baldwin's Re-election!
Split a Contribution between Wisconsin Senate Dems and Tammy Baldwin's Re-election!
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
Contribute Now to Wisconsin Recall Clearinghouse
Contribute Now to Wisconsin Recall Clearinghouse
Contribute Now to 17 for 17
Contribute Now to 17 for 17
Mark Miller
Contribute Now to protect the Wisconsin 14
Contribute Now to protect the Wisconsin 14
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
These maps will last a decade, let’s make sure they’re fair.
These maps will last a decade, let’s make sure they’re fair.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Help us elect more Democrats to the Wisconsin State Senate!
Help us elect more Democrats to the Wisconsin State Senate!
Join us on October 26th!
Join us on October 26th!
Your donation will directly impact candidates and incumbents.
Your donation will directly impact candidates and incumbents.
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Contribute Now to Win Back Wisconsin
Contribute Now to Win Back Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Help Melissa and Kelda grow our grassroots movement.
Help Melissa and Kelda grow our grassroots movement.
We need to defeat every Republican who tries to destroy our democracy.
We need to defeat every Republican who tries to destroy our democracy.
Thanks -- now take the next step >>
Thanks -- now take the next step >>
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
8 days left
8 days left
WI Senate Dems
Packers and progressive politics
Packers and progressive politics
Mark Miller
Contribute Now to Lets Make History
Contribute Now to Lets Make History
Senate Democrats
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
Split a donation between Sen. Chris Larson and the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee (SSDC)!
Split a donation between Sen. Chris Larson and the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee (SSDC)!
Thank you for submitting your post-session survey!
Thank you for submitting your post-session survey!
Thank you for submitting your voting rights survey!
Thank you for submitting your voting rights survey!
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Elect Jodi Habush Sinykin
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Elect Jodi Habush Sinykin
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Everything is on the line.
Everything is on the line.
Contribute Now to Support the WI Senate Democrats' Fight for Working Families!
Contribute Now to Support the WI Senate Democrats' Fight for Working Families!
Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Contribute Now to the Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to the Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Recall Scott Walker Campaign
Meet Janet Bewley
Meet Janet Bewley
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Contribute Now to Solidarity Money Bomb to Defeat Scott Walker
Pat Kreitlow for Congress
Can you chip in right now to help elect more Democrats like Kristin?
Can you chip in right now to help elect more Democrats like Kristin?
4 weeks left
4 weeks left
Mark Miller
Let's win the special elections Scott Walker tried to cancel!
Let's win the special elections Scott Walker tried to cancel!
Contribute Now to Ordinary Heroes
Contribute Now to Ordinary Heroes
Nathan Ugoretz
Thank you for signing Governor Evers' card!
Thank you for signing Governor Evers' card!
We’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to help us raise what we need to keep up the fight.
We’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to help us raise what we need to keep up the fight.
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks for taking action - now take the next step!
Thanks, your priorities have been recorded!
Thanks, your priorities have been recorded!
Contribute Now to win in Wisconsin and across the nation on June 5
Contribute Now to win in Wisconsin and across the nation on June 5
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
We count on everyday folks to help power our Protect the Veto campaign.
We count on everyday folks to help power our Protect the Veto campaign.
Help us protect Tony's veto!
Help us protect Tony's veto!
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Help us protect Tony's veto with a monthly recurring donation.
Help us protect Tony's veto with a monthly recurring donation.
Let's flip Senate seats blue and fix our democracy.
Let's flip Senate seats blue and fix our democracy.
Thank you for signing!
Thank you for signing!
Help us build the momentum towards legalization in Wisconsin!
Help us build the momentum towards legalization in Wisconsin!
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Elect Jodi Habush Sinykin
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Elect Jodi Habush Sinykin
Help us hold SD-25
Help us hold SD-25
Two Year Anniversary of the Wisconsin 14
Two Year Anniversary of the Wisconsin 14
Mark Miller, Jennifer Shilling & Chris Larson
Please donate $5 today so we have the resources to protect and grow our Democratic caucus.
Please donate $5 today so we have the resources to protect and grow our Democratic caucus.
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Help us flip SD8!
Stop the GOP Supermajority in Wisconsin. Help us flip SD8!
Progressive Midwest
Progressive Midwest
Aaron S. Veenstra
Game On!
Game On!
"Wisconsin 14" T-Shirts
"Wisconsin 14" T-Shirts
Senator Mark Miller - Wisconsin Senate Democrat...
Contribute Now to Support WI Senators
Contribute Now to Support WI Senators
Lou Anne Kirby
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
Everything is on the line.
Everything is on the line.
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
The People vs. The Koch Brothers
The People vs. The Koch Brothers
Senate Dems
Can you chip in today to help our fight to protect our Democracy?
Can you chip in today to help our fight to protect our Democracy?
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
Thanks for signing!
Thanks for signing!
Help us elect more pro-choice Democratic Senators.
Help us elect more pro-choice Democratic Senators.
WI 14 T-Shirts
WI 14 T-Shirts
Zac Kramer
sponsor a volunteer
sponsor a volunteer
Mark Miller
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Can we count on you, {first_name | friend}?
Donate to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Donate to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Contribute Now to People of Faith For the 14
Contribute Now to People of Faith For the 14
Craig Jan-McMahon
Meet Kyle Whelton!
Meet Kyle Whelton!
Stop Scott Walker NOW
Stop Scott Walker NOW
Mark Miller
Help us elect more pro-choice Democratic Senators.
Help us elect more pro-choice Democratic Senators.
Thanks -- now take the next step >>
Thanks -- now take the next step >>
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
Help protect the veto and reproductive rights.
47%?? Stop Mitt Romney and the GOP today
47%?? Stop Mitt Romney and the GOP today
Senator Chris Larson
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Help us flip Wisconsin's 5th Senate District.
Help us flip Wisconsin's 5th Senate District.
Contribute Now to Support WI Senate Democrats' Fight for Working Families!
Contribute Now to Support WI Senate Democrats' Fight for Working Families!
Chuck Schumer
Help grow our caucus!
Help grow our caucus!
Protect the veto now!
Protect the veto now!
Thank you for submitting your thank you card.
Thank you for submitting your thank you card.
Contribute Now to You can help the 14 Wisconsin State Senate Democrat heros.
Contribute Now to You can help the 14 Wisconsin State Senate Democrat heros.
Jay Seegmiller
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Meet the new WI Senate Democratic Leader
Meet the new WI Senate Democratic Leader
WI Senate Dems
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Thanks, now take the next step!
Thanks, now take the next step!
Join us for a reception with Congressman Mark Pocan
Join us for a reception with Congressman Mark Pocan
Support Martha Laning for Senate
Support Martha Laning for Senate
Contribute Now to Institutional
Contribute Now to Institutional
Hasto Bedone
Stand in solidarity with bold Wisconsin progressives
Stand in solidarity with bold Wisconsin progressives
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Wisconsinites deserve better, stronger leadership than what the GOP has offered: excuses and lies.
Wisconsinites deserve better, stronger leadership than what the GOP has offered: excuses and lies.
Your donation will directly impact candidates and incumbents.
Your donation will directly impact candidates and incumbents.
Senate District 1 Victory Fund
Senate District 1 Victory Fund
Wisconsinites deserve better, stronger leadership than what the GOP has offered: excuses and lies.
Wisconsinites deserve better, stronger leadership than what the GOP has offered: excuses and lies.
Thanks -- now chip in!
Thanks -- now chip in!
Will you join our fight?
Will you join our fight?
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
The Governor's veto is on the line. Join us in protecting it now.
Thank you for submitting your petition.
Thank you for submitting your petition.
Donate to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Donate to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
Support Chris Larson and other Democrats by joining our movement.
Support Chris Larson and other Democrats by joining our movement.
Split a donation between Judge Susan Crawford for Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Judge Susan Crawford for Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
URGENT: End of Month Deadline!
URGENT: End of Month Deadline!
Contribute Now to Support Senator Shilling and Senator King
Contribute Now to Support Senator Shilling and Senator King
Wisconsin Senate Democrats
If we lose one more Senate seat in 2022, Governor Evers' vetoes will be able to be overridden by Senate Republicans.
If we lose one more Senate seat in 2022, Governor Evers' vetoes will be able to be overridden by Senate Republicans.
URGENT DEADLINE: Help Democrats Flip Seats!
URGENT DEADLINE: Help Democrats Flip Seats!
Fired up and ready to go
Fired up and ready to go
Mark Miller
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
We need your support, {first_name | friend}.
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Help Melissa grow our grassroots movement.
Help Melissa grow our grassroots movement.
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Donate to State Senate Democratic Committee (WI)
Split a donation between Jodi Habush Sinykin and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!
Split a donation between Jodi Habush Sinykin and the Wisconsin Senate Democrats (WI SSDC)!